Sunday, November 15, 2020

Busily Writing - Finally

 Every November, almost on schedule, I tend to get the best ideas and I'm jumping on the computer and writing them down.

This year is no different. I've been taking part in National Novel Writing Month since 2015, and it's been fun and interesting for me to do it. There's different badges you can accomplish, NaNoWriMo camps you can go to - a virtual on this year - and groups to take part in as well. However, I'm one of those to usually take things like this on my own. And you know, since I was young, I was always better working on my own than in a group. 

I had better ideas, could think them out, work them out and execute them in a better manner on my own, than if I was in a group. Groups made me feel as though I was inferrior somehow. But if I was on my own, I made up my own rules and could work through the problems which cropped up, without anyone confusing me, battling against me or locking horns with me about my ideas. Okay... I may not have been the most confident person around at school, but when I did try to put forward my ideas, other kids poo-pooed them in a horrible way: 'Yeah, yeah... don't think so.' without even hearing my idea. So, in the end I'd just keep my mouth shut and they'd tell the teachers I 'was no help.'

Thus why I work better on my own... even when I'm doing NaNoWriMo. I get in, do my work and then see how far I get with the book-writing. It's a quiet, lonely and enjoyable kind of thing for me. And with the pandemic, it's something which makes my work even more enjoyable.

In the first week, I passed 25,000 words! Oh yeah, I was kicking butt in the word count - but I crashed and burned in myself. I didn't take care of myself and ended up falling asleep in front of my television at 8pm at night by the weekend. Yeah, that's not good, is it?  But once you hit that 25,000 words, in the first week, you can take your time with the other 25,000 words... yeah, I've figured out that much with this. 

And the book I'm writing is fun! There's magic, warlocks, demons, two young kids who find love in the oddest places, gargoyles and ... well, it's very cool. I enjoy something which kinda writes itself. I've just thrown my characters in and let them go with it - and that's the fun part of writing, letting the characters do the story-telling. 

So, how are you doing with your NaNoWriMo? Are you taking part this year? If so, is it going well? If not, why do you think that's so? Until my next post, Happy Reading and Writing!

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