Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Busy Making Other Plans

Yep.... life has been happening to me in a big way.  However, I've been reading in spits and spurts, don't worry.  
Over the weekend, I arrived home from house sitting to find one of my fish had died... and within 24 hours, the other fish also died.  So, I have an empty fish tank and no cute little fishies to feed and look at.  A sad time for me as these fish have been a part of my house for about 2 1/2 years.

But I've been reading a fair bit.  I loaned Mum my copy of 'Nosebleed' by Ged Maybury and she loved it!  She said it was hilariously funny and she loved the feel of the book.  I'm so happy she enjoyed it as much as I did.  
I've been reading 'The Imaginings' by Paul D. Dail and am up to page 200 in that book.  It's a cool book and I'm waiting with baited breath of what's going to happen next!  Right now, he's got me in a mountain cabin, in a massive storm and there's people who have just arrived to stay at the cabin.

I'm also reading 'Graveyard Shift' by Lynda Parker ... and for those who don't know it, that's my book.  I wrote and published it on Bibliotastic at Christmas 2011 and have been meaning to get myself a download of it - seeing it's free - and now I can read it at my leisure.  I've spotted a few typos in it but I can live with them... knowing I can do better next time.

Otherwise, I'm not reading anything else really.  I'm working on some art for my new bedroom suite and working on cleaning up my house for the next couple of weeks; as it's not the tidiest it's been.  So, what have you been up to?  Have you guys been reading anything interesting worth sharing?  Are you studying where you have to read certain material?  If so, let us know what kinds of books you have to read.  Until my next post, happy reading!


  1. Loved reading 'Nosebleed' and I have you to thank for introducing me to this wonderful novel and my 1st novel by Ged Maybury!!

    I finally post my review of Nosebleed on my blog, Captivated Reader. See the following link:

    1. I'm so happy to know you're enjoying Ged's work as much as I am. I'm currently reading 'I Am Leather-Man'... it's a great funny read so far! :D
