Monday, April 25, 2011

April Book Buys!

This month, I've been very good with my money; and so, there's been no purchases in the book department.  However, I have been reading a fair bit.  'Legacy' by David Suzuki is one that has gotten me totally pulled in about how our environment has been damaged by us; and yet it would take longer for us to fix it than it has for us to kill it.
'Baudolino' by Umberto Eco is one very thick book I tried to get into; and failed.  I got around fifty pages in and found it was slow, it dragged and it wasn't very interesting at all.  However, when I looked at other reviews of it online, I found that I wasn't the only person who put it down, thankfully.  Also, it's my first unfinished book for 2011.
So, to replace it, I've picked up 'You Are Here' by Christopher Potter.  A very unique and funny guide to The Big Bang.  I'm not that far through it, and I love it.  Being a person who doesn't understand a thing about maths, I'm enjoying how it's all being explained to me.  I'm looking forward to more of what's in store in this book as I'm only around fifty or so pages into it; and still want more from it.
So, if you haven't bought any books this month, what have you got your nose into?  Until my next post, happy reading!


  1. Umberto Eco's books sounds always sound like I would love them; however, every time I've ever attempted one, I've failed to finish.

  2. I think it's because his books have been translated from another language into English. I have always found translated books difficult to read as it's how they're translated which makes them hard to follow.
