Thursday, December 31, 2015

A New Year of Reading Coming Up!

Yes! In only just over a day or so, we'll be in a very new year of 2016! This will be a squeaky clean new year of reading, writing and discovering bookstores and book-related topics! 


Well, I'm hoping to get in and read more books than I did this year - but then I was writing a few things and editing this year, so that's why I was so slow in getting my reading list up. However I did buy many books to add to the ever-growing, ever-gremlining collection of my books! 

So, here are my hopefuls for next year to be read, in no particular order:

'Blood Music' by Greg Bear
'Mostly Harmless' by Douglas Adams
'Joyland' by Stephen King
'Oxygen' by Andrew Miller
'Margaret Olley: Far From Still Life' by Meg Stewart

These are just a few to start the year. I'll add to them as it progresses. 

I am currently reading 'Star Wars: Aftermath' by Chuck Wendig and loving it! Seeing Star Wars is a huge thing right now, I'm looking forward to getting my nose into the next book of this trilogy when I get the next one from the bookstore. Well, what have you hopefully planned to read next year? Until my next post, happy reading!

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