Friday, May 29, 2015


There's good news...

I'm writing again - a little.

I'm also reading again - a little.

At least I'm getting in and doing a little of both things I love, and not peeling the paint off the walls of my townhouse, right?

After purchasing 'The Kick-Ass Writer' by Chuck Wendig, and reading the introduction out to my Mum - who found it was laugh-out-loud hilarious and wanted to look at the book - I've made time (yep, forced myself) to sit down for twenty minutes a day to read parts of the book.  

This has done me a lot of good. Not only has it given a good laugh about my craft, but it's made me think about what I've been writing as well.

Gotta throw Chuck a big thank you in his direction - and I know how too: he loves Tim Tams.  He got addicted to them when he visited Brisbane a few years ago and told us so in a blog post... so I'll be sending him some of those. 

But I've been writing a book for my niece. It's a book about life, an advice column about what I'd tell my own daughter - if I had one - and about things I've love her to know if we saw each other more. I write a few lines here and there; and I've got a book filled with one-line advice too I've been working on since she was twelve years old.

Hopefully I'll have it all finished before she's eighteen. Well, that's something I'm hoping for.  I was going to put recipes and how to remove stains from almost everything and anything and things I've found out in life on my own.

So... yeah, I've begun writing again - and reading too - but it's a slow, uphill climb. It will be for a while until I'm on top again with another book working away at me. Until my next post, happy reading.


  1. I like that you are writing a book for your niece! I like that it will be a book "about life, an advice column about what I'd tell my own daughter - if I had one - and about things I've love her to know if we saw each other more." What a cool idea!

    1. Thank you! My folks think I'm nuts... but seeing I don't see my niece very often, it's just something I think I need to do.I really do feel as though I've missed out on a major part in not having my own children... and parting advice I've accumulated through life experience is something I think is best given while I'm still around.

    2. Really, your parents think you're nuts for writing a book for your niece?? I think it's sweet!!

      P. S. I've nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award. See the following link for more information:

    3. Oh! Thank you so much!

      I'll have to get onto my post about this! :D
