Two Books on Mozart by Two Very Different Authors
Last year, around this time of year, I bought two books in Mullumbimby at the Book Barn. This shop is actually an old bank; which still has its vault (but they took the door off for safety reasons). Every time I'm in Mullum, I find that shop and wander through its shelves to see if there's a book or two there that's begging for a home with me. And last year, I found two books that were from two different eras, yet were on the same subject. I'll begin with the oldest and most interesting one: 'Mozart: His Character, His Work' by Alfred Einstein was
the one that I found first. Its red cover doesn't look much, but I look beyond that every time. On opening it, I found this book was written by Alfred Einstein (which has had people talking about whether or not both Alfred or Albert are related; and still we're not sure). I had in my hands a 1946, first edition of this book. Its red cover is faded but the spine is still in good condition with the wording still legible; with only a little wear on the top and bottom of the spine from being teased on and off a previous owner's bookshelf numerous times. I began to read it and found it wasn't too heavy in content; however, I haven't completed reading it yet once I returned home.
The next book I bought from the same place was by Robert W. Gutman
titled: 'Mozart: A Cultural Biography'. It's much thicker and was published in 1999. It's been covered in plastic and has been cared for differently than the other book. However, the difference with this book to the other is that this one covers Mozart's family and friends as with the other book, the author covers his work and character. So, I have the good fortune to own two books about the same person that cover two totally different parts of Mozart's life. I do look forward to reading about him soon and letting you know if they are worth tracking down. I'll keep you all posted.
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