Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Nerys Purchon's Handbooks of Herbs

This is a lovely book about living around and within your own garden of medicinal and herbal needs. Nerys Purchon is one of Australia's most popular herb and aromatherapy writers and in this book, she shares her vast knowledge and love these plants. She has a lifetime's experience of working with herbs from all over the world and Nerys explains in detail the properties of them in clear and simple language. I bought this book a couple of years ago just before Christmas and thought it was so good, I'd get my brother and his then girlfriend one too.

Nerys Purchon was born in North Wales and has learned all she knows about herbs from her Grandmother who used them in recipes and created many of her own. Together, they would collect herbs from the meadows, mountains and riverbanks, returning to the kitchen in the cellar where Nerys was taught to transform them into extracts, ointments, poultices and more. She has a great respect for the herbal tradition which has been bred into her from a young age. Then, her family arrived in Australia in 1968 on St Valentine's Day, which began a love affair with this country and the magic circle began to turn for her once more. They bought a condemned wooden house on eight hectares of neglected land in a small, sheltered valley where kangaroos and cattled grazed and the earth was rich. And this is where they began their own new traditions in a new land.
(bibliography: intro of this book.)

I have found a website for Nerys Purchon, which has got a blogspot.com address attached to it of what she does in her large garden. It's very interesting; however, I couldn't find a bio about her; instead, the blog does show recipes and other books she's written.

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